indice del libro:
indice del libro:
Part One • Introduction
Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 2
Chapter 2 Responding to Global and Cultural Diversity 42
Part Two • The Individual
Chapter 3 Foundations of Individual Behavior 80
Chapter 4 Perception and Individual Decision Making 130
Chapter 5 Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction 172
Chapter 6 Basic Motivation Concepts 210
Chapter 7 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 250
Part Three • The Group
Chapter 8 Foundations of Group Behavior 292
Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams 344
Chapter 10 Communication 374
Chapter 11 Leadership 410
Chapter 12 Power and Politics 460
Chapter 13 Conflict, Negotiation, and Intergroup Behavior 502
Part Four - The Organization System
Chapter 14 Foundations of Organization Structure 548
Chapter 15 Technology, Work Design, and Stress 588
Chapter 16 Human Resource Policies and Practices 634
Chapter 17 Organizational Culture 678
Part Five - Organizational Dynamics
Chapter 18 Organizational Change and Development 714
Part One • Introduction
Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 2
Chapter 2 Responding to Global and Cultural Diversity 42
Part Two • The Individual
Chapter 3 Foundations of Individual Behavior 80
Chapter 4 Perception and Individual Decision Making 130
Chapter 5 Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction 172
Chapter 6 Basic Motivation Concepts 210
Chapter 7 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 250
Part Three • The Group
Chapter 8 Foundations of Group Behavior 292
Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams 344
Chapter 10 Communication 374
Chapter 11 Leadership 410
Chapter 12 Power and Politics 460
Chapter 13 Conflict, Negotiation, and Intergroup Behavior 502
Part Four - The Organization System
Chapter 14 Foundations of Organization Structure 548
Chapter 15 Technology, Work Design, and Stress 588
Chapter 16 Human Resource Policies and Practices 634
Chapter 17 Organizational Culture 678
Part Five - Organizational Dynamics
Chapter 18 Organizational Change and Development 714
Part One • Introduction
Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 2
Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 2
Chapter 3 Foundations of Individual Behavior 80
Chapter 5 Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction 172
Chapter 6 Basic Motivation Concepts 210
Part Three • The Group
Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams 344
Chapter 11 Leadership 410
Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams 344
Chapter 11 Leadership 410
Capitulo 1, Que es el comportamiento organizacional
Part Three • The Group
Chapter 9, Entendiendo a los equipos de trabajo
Chapter 9, Entendiendo a los equipos de trabajo
Por que los equipos de trabajo se han vuelto tan populares?
- Porque en general la calidad del trabajo es superior al trabajo de solo un individuo.
- Porque se usa de mejor manera los talentos de cada empleado.
- Porque son mas flexibles y responsivos a cambios en el ambiente.
- Porque facilitan el desenvolvimiento entre companeros de trabajo.
- Porque son una manera efectiva para democratizar una organizacion e incrementar sla motivacion.
Diferencia entre un GRUPO DE TRABAJO y un EQUIPO DE TRABAJO.
Un Grupo de Trabajo: Es un grupo que interactua principalmente par aintercambiar informacion y para tomar decisiones para ayudar a cada miembro del grupo. Cada individuo desempena una responsabilidad enfocada en sus virtudes.
Un Equipo de Trabajo: Es un grupo donde el resultado final del performance es superiori a la suma indivudual de cada integrante.
Los Grupos de Trabajo:
Su objetivo: Compartir information
Sinergia: Neutral (algunas veces negativa)
Responsabilidad: Individual
Destrezas: Diversas y Variadas
Los Equipos de Trabajo:
Su objetivo: Performance Collectiva
Sinergia: Positiva
Responsabilidad: Individual y en equipo
Destrezas: Complementarias
Los tipos de Equipos:
Equipos para Resolucion de Problemas: Usualmente en grupos de 5 a 12 empleados del mismo departamento que se reunen algunas horas a la semana para discutir maneras para incrementar la calidad, eficiencia y el ambiente de trabajo.
Equipos de Trabajo auto dirigidos:
Grupos de 10 a 15 personas que tomana las responsabilidades de sus pasados supervisores o que siempre han carecido de ellos.
Equipos Funcionales-Cruzados:
Empleados usualmente del mismo nivel jerarquico pero en diferentes areas de trabajo, que se reunen a realizar una tarea en conjunto.
Equipos que usan la tecnologia de la computacion para conectarse entre ellos a pesar que se encuentren dispersos de manera fisica. Con el objetivo de cumplir con una meta comuna.
1 Un contexto social limitado
2 la habilidad de vencer las limitantes del tiempo y el espacio.
El modelo de un Equipo Efectivo:
Nota: estos 4 cuadros hacen a un equipo ser eficaz.
Capitulo 11, Liderazgo
1. Essentials of Organizational Behavior,
10/e Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Chapter 11 Leadership
2. After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Define the leadership and contrast leadership and management.
2. Summarize the conclusions of trait and behavioral theories.
3. Assess contingency theories of leadership by their level of support.
4. Compare and contrast charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, and authentic leadership.
5. Identify when leadership may not be necessary.
6. Assess whether charismatic and transformational leadership generalize across cultures.
Leadership vs. Management Leadership Management •
About coping with change • About coping with complexity • Establish direction with a • Brings about order and vision. consistency • Align resources and • Draws up plans, inspire workers to structures, and monitors complete the vision. results. Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or a set of goals.
Traditional Theories of Leadership: Trait Theories Differentiate leaders from non-leaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics Extraversion has strongest relation to leadership Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience also strongly related to leadership Agreeableness and Emotional Stability are not correlated with leadership
Traditional Theories of Leadership:
Behavioral Theories
Behaviors can be taught – traits cannot
Leaders are trained – not born
Behavioral Theories: Ohio State Studies
Developed two categories of leadership behavior: Initiating Consideration Structure Attempts to organize work, Concern for followers’ work relationships, and comfort, well-being, status, goals and satisfaction
Behavioral Theories: University of Michigan Studies
Developed two dimensions of leadership behavior: Production Employee Oriented Oriented Emphasize the technical or Emphasize interpersonal task aspects of the job: relations and accept people are means to an end individual differences 7
Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid®
Combination of Ohio State and University of Michigan studies:
Concern for Concern for Production People Try to emphasize BOTH
Contingency Theories
Attempts to match leadership style with work conditions:
• Fiedler Model
• Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
Fiedler Leadership Model Least-Preferred Co-worker (LPC)
Determines leadership style (fixed trait) Relationship oriented Task oriented Match leader’s style with degree of situational control: Leader-member relations Task structure Position power
Fiedler Model:
Matching Leaders to Situations Either change leaders or the situation to improve effectiveness
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
• Leaders treat followers differently
• In-group members: Close to leader in attitude or personality Have more of the leader’s attention Get special privileges Have higher performance ratings Lower turnover Greater satisfaction
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Model
While the leader does the choosing, it is the followers’ characteristics that drive the decision
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership
• Leaders as communicators
• Framing the meaning of events
• Leaders inspire followers through words, ideas, and behaviors: Charismatic Leadership Transformational Leadership Authentic Leadership
Charismatic Leadership
Attributions of heroic leadership abilities when followers observe certain behaviors: Vision Personal Risk-taking Sensitivity toward Followers Extraordinary Behaviors
Charismatic Leaders: Born or Made?
Charisma can be created by:
Developing an aura of charisma
• Be optimistic
• Be passionately enthusiastic
• Commute with body, not just words Drawing others in – inspire others Tapping into emotions – bring out the potential in others
How Charismatic Leaders Influence Followers
• Articulate an appealing vision
• Communicates a new set of values
• Model behaviors for those values
• Express dramatic behavior
Charisma and Situational Dependency
• Charisma strongly correlated to high performance and satisfaction • Best used when: Environment is uncertain or stressful Ideology is involved • Most closely associated with upper level executives
The Potential Dark Side of Charismatic Leadership
• Use organizational resources for personal benefit
• Remake companies in their own image
• Allow self-interest and personal goals to override organization’s goals
Transformational Leadership
• Transactional leaders - motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements
• Transformational leaders - inspire followers to transcend their own self- interests for the good of the organization
Full Range of Leadership Model
Why Transformational Leadership Works Creativity Followers are encouraged to be more innovative and creative Goals Followers pursue more ambitious goals and have more personal commitment to them Vision Engenders commitment from followers and greater sense of trust
Transformational Vs. Charismatic Leadership
• Both positively related to motivation, satisfaction, performance, effectiveness, and profitability • Transformational leadership MAY be a broader concept than charisma
• The two forms may be the same
Authentic Leadership:
Ethics as the Basis for Leadership?
• Authentic leaders know who they are, what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly Create trust Encourage open communication Socialized Charismatic Leadership
Challenges to the Leadership Construct
• Attribution Theory of Leadership Performance outcomes are attributed to leaders actions Appearance has more to do with leadership than outcomes
• Substitutes and Neutralizers Organizational variables can neutralize the leader’s influence or act as substitutes for leadership Leader becomes irrelevant
Finding and Creating Effective Leaders
• Selection: Personality tests for leadership traits Interviews to match relevant situation-specific experience to job situation
• Training: Train those willing to change their behavior Teach general management skills Teach charismatic and transformational leadership skills – greatest organizational outcomes result
Global Implications GLOBE Leadership Project Results:
Brazil – Leaders are participative and humane
France – Bureaucratic, task-oriented, and autocratic
Egypt – Participative but status-aware
China – Initiating structure and consideration important: status differences but participation valued
Charisma and transformational leadership important in all
Implications for Managers
• Leaders influence group performance
• Leadership success depends somewhat on having “the right stuff”
• Leadership depends on the situation
• Transformational skills becoming more important
• Select and train based on traits and qualities
Keep in Mind…
• Leaders can influence a group toward the achievement of goals
• Best leaders are ethical and authentic in addition to being charismatic
• In most cultures, charisma and vision are valued – although their means of expression may differ
Summary 1. Defined the leadership and contrasted leadership and management.
2. Summarized the conclusions of trait and behavioral theories.
3. Assessed contingency theories of leadership by their level of support.
4. Compared and contrasted charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, and authentic leadership.
5. Identified when leadership may not be necessary.
6. Assessed whether charismatic and transformational leadership generalized across cultures.
1 Un contexto social limitado
2 la habilidad de vencer las limitantes del tiempo y el espacio.
El modelo de un Equipo Efectivo:
Nota: estos 4 cuadros hacen a un equipo ser eficaz.
La demografia de un grupo: El grado en el que los miembros de un grupo comparten un atributo demografico comun. Puede ser tan variado como: edad, sexo, raza, nivel de educacion, tiempo en la empresa
Cohorts: Son individuos dentro de un grupo que comparten atributos comunes como los mencionados anteriormente.
- sobrellevar la resistencia del individuo a unirse al equipo
- contar la influencia entre todas las culturas individualistas.
- Introducir equipos en una organizacion que tiene valor historico y reconocimiento del trabajo del individuto.
Moldeando a los integrantes del equipo:
- Seleccionar empleados que tengan las capacidades para cumplir con las necesidades de cada tarea especifica.
- Entrenar a los empleados para que se conviertan en jugadores en equipo.
- Ampliar el sistema de remuneraciones de las empresa manteniendo las remuneraciones personales, pero tambien agregando las remuneraciones en equipo. En dependencia del exito y ganancias que generen el equipo en conjunto o sus proyectos.
La calidad de administracion en un equipo:
- Tienen que tener el tamano adecuado donde se mantengan EFECTIVOS.
- Estan propiamente capacitados en areas especificas
- Le dan autoridad para resolver problemas y tomar accion correctiva.
3 tests para ver si los equipos estan aptos para todas las situaciones reales:
1) el trabajo es lo suficientemente complejo para que sean necesarias diferentes perspectivas?
1) el trabajo es lo suficientemente complejo para que sean necesarias diferentes perspectivas?
2) tiene el trabajo un fin con proposito comun mayor a la suma de la de sus individuos.
3) los miembros del equipo estan comprometidos en actividades interindependietnes?
Chapter 11, Leadership
Capitulo 11, Liderazgo
1. Essentials of Organizational Behavior,
10/e Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Chapter 11 Leadership
2. After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Define the leadership and contrast leadership and management.
2. Summarize the conclusions of trait and behavioral theories.
3. Assess contingency theories of leadership by their level of support.
4. Compare and contrast charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, and authentic leadership.
5. Identify when leadership may not be necessary.
6. Assess whether charismatic and transformational leadership generalize across cultures.
Leadership vs. Management Leadership Management •
About coping with change • About coping with complexity • Establish direction with a • Brings about order and vision. consistency • Align resources and • Draws up plans, inspire workers to structures, and monitors complete the vision. results. Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or a set of goals.
Traditional Theories of Leadership: Trait Theories Differentiate leaders from non-leaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics Extraversion has strongest relation to leadership Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience also strongly related to leadership Agreeableness and Emotional Stability are not correlated with leadership
Traditional Theories of Leadership:
Behavioral Theories
Behaviors can be taught – traits cannot
Leaders are trained – not born
Behavioral Theories: Ohio State Studies
Developed two categories of leadership behavior: Initiating Consideration Structure Attempts to organize work, Concern for followers’ work relationships, and comfort, well-being, status, goals and satisfaction
Behavioral Theories: University of Michigan Studies
Developed two dimensions of leadership behavior: Production Employee Oriented Oriented Emphasize the technical or Emphasize interpersonal task aspects of the job: relations and accept people are means to an end individual differences 7
Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid®
Combination of Ohio State and University of Michigan studies:
Concern for Concern for Production People Try to emphasize BOTH
Contingency Theories
Attempts to match leadership style with work conditions:
• Fiedler Model
• Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
Fiedler Leadership Model Least-Preferred Co-worker (LPC)
Determines leadership style (fixed trait) Relationship oriented Task oriented Match leader’s style with degree of situational control: Leader-member relations Task structure Position power
Fiedler Model:
Matching Leaders to Situations Either change leaders or the situation to improve effectiveness
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
• Leaders treat followers differently
• In-group members: Close to leader in attitude or personality Have more of the leader’s attention Get special privileges Have higher performance ratings Lower turnover Greater satisfaction
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Model
While the leader does the choosing, it is the followers’ characteristics that drive the decision
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership
• Leaders as communicators
• Framing the meaning of events
• Leaders inspire followers through words, ideas, and behaviors: Charismatic Leadership Transformational Leadership Authentic Leadership
Charismatic Leadership
Attributions of heroic leadership abilities when followers observe certain behaviors: Vision Personal Risk-taking Sensitivity toward Followers Extraordinary Behaviors
Charismatic Leaders: Born or Made?
Charisma can be created by:
Developing an aura of charisma
• Be optimistic
• Be passionately enthusiastic
• Commute with body, not just words Drawing others in – inspire others Tapping into emotions – bring out the potential in others
How Charismatic Leaders Influence Followers
• Articulate an appealing vision
• Communicates a new set of values
• Model behaviors for those values
• Express dramatic behavior
Charisma and Situational Dependency
• Charisma strongly correlated to high performance and satisfaction • Best used when: Environment is uncertain or stressful Ideology is involved • Most closely associated with upper level executives
The Potential Dark Side of Charismatic Leadership
• Use organizational resources for personal benefit
• Remake companies in their own image
• Allow self-interest and personal goals to override organization’s goals
Transformational Leadership
• Transactional leaders - motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements
• Transformational leaders - inspire followers to transcend their own self- interests for the good of the organization
Full Range of Leadership Model
Why Transformational Leadership Works Creativity Followers are encouraged to be more innovative and creative Goals Followers pursue more ambitious goals and have more personal commitment to them Vision Engenders commitment from followers and greater sense of trust
Transformational Vs. Charismatic Leadership
• Both positively related to motivation, satisfaction, performance, effectiveness, and profitability • Transformational leadership MAY be a broader concept than charisma
• The two forms may be the same
Authentic Leadership:
Ethics as the Basis for Leadership?
• Authentic leaders know who they are, what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly Create trust Encourage open communication Socialized Charismatic Leadership
Challenges to the Leadership Construct
• Attribution Theory of Leadership Performance outcomes are attributed to leaders actions Appearance has more to do with leadership than outcomes
• Substitutes and Neutralizers Organizational variables can neutralize the leader’s influence or act as substitutes for leadership Leader becomes irrelevant
Finding and Creating Effective Leaders
• Selection: Personality tests for leadership traits Interviews to match relevant situation-specific experience to job situation
• Training: Train those willing to change their behavior Teach general management skills Teach charismatic and transformational leadership skills – greatest organizational outcomes result
Global Implications GLOBE Leadership Project Results:
Brazil – Leaders are participative and humane
France – Bureaucratic, task-oriented, and autocratic
Egypt – Participative but status-aware
China – Initiating structure and consideration important: status differences but participation valued
Charisma and transformational leadership important in all
Implications for Managers
• Leaders influence group performance
• Leadership success depends somewhat on having “the right stuff”
• Leadership depends on the situation
• Transformational skills becoming more important
• Select and train based on traits and qualities
Keep in Mind…
• Leaders can influence a group toward the achievement of goals
• Best leaders are ethical and authentic in addition to being charismatic
• In most cultures, charisma and vision are valued – although their means of expression may differ
Summary 1. Defined the leadership and contrasted leadership and management.
2. Summarized the conclusions of trait and behavioral theories.
3. Assessed contingency theories of leadership by their level of support.
4. Compared and contrasted charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, and authentic leadership.
5. Identified when leadership may not be necessary.
6. Assessed whether charismatic and transformational leadership generalized across cultures.